Scissors cut


Laurie Bird had a sad life. Her mother committed suicide right after she was born, and her father restricted her so much she fled home a couple of times. When she was 18, she starred in her first movie, and got romantically involved with it’s director (aged 42). Later she was involved with Art Garfunkel (aged 31).

At 25 years old, after having made three movies as actor and photographer, she committed suicide by overdosing on valium, in Garfunkel’s apartment. Garfunkel was hit hard by this, and commented: She was beautiful, in a lonesome, haunted way, and I adored her. But I wasn’t ready for marriage and she was not very comfortable being Laurie. She wasn’t happy with herself. Her mother died by suicide at 25, and so did she.

This album, released in 1981, is dedicated to her. On the back cover she is partially shown.

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