Stravinsky – Le sacre du printemps


Chief conductor Daniele Gatti was forced to leave the Concertgebouw Orchestra in 2018 after #metoo allegations by two women in the orchestra. The incident followed an incendiary article in the NY Times, where several big names in classical music were uncovered. Charles Dutoit, James Levine and Daniele Gatti were among the accused.

Gatti had groped two young women that were trusting him. He promised one of them personal coaching and took her to his hotelroom to make the appointment. Before she knew what happened, she found his hands on my rear end, and his tongue down my throat.

This is not the place to discuss this, but I do want to make some remarks: I found that within the context of the #metoo movement, many allegations were made, some of which later proved unfounded, but all of them had immediate consequences for the people involved. Where is the principle of innocent until proven guilty? Gatti was sent away before there was actual research being done, because of damaged trust.

Second: a place where jobs are uncertain and not easy to get makes it easy for predators. If your income is by a weekly contract that is only valid for the project, you do maybe a bit more to keep it. It is easy to judge that from the comfort of a nice office job, where you are (certainly in Europe) way better protected. Part of the problem with shitty behavior like this is that nobody dares to come forward at the moment it happens. Because of unsafe and insecure work situations. That coaching that was offered by Gatti could make or break your whole career. And these offers don’t usually go through a protected channel. So what can you do?

I hope that after the first wave of righteous anger is over, more sensible minds win the day. Let us think about a better approach to the problem and solve it by safer working conditions.

Gatti fought his case in 2019, and an agreement was made. His recording stay on the label, but he cannot come back. So I was able to buy this at the Vriendenbalie (the internal shop) of the Concertgebouw.

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