Pan-European Christian freedom movement


Of the many neofolk “projects” that I know, most are dancing around fascist or nationalist romantic aesthetics. Most of them don’t support the political views, they just feel at home in the atmosphere around it. In the Scandinavian north this takes the shape of viking imagery, in the mediterranean south we have the classical Greeks and Romans. In Germany we can find bands that enjoy running around in the woods and calling Wagnerian gods. If it looks a little bit fascist or neo nazi, it might be because they share a fascination for the imagery.

Having said that, there are also projects that really do share political views with the national romantics. The German project Von Thronstahl is one of these. Founded in 1995 by Josef Maria Klumb, it existed until 2010, and was never really part of the Gothic subculture, mostly because his views were well known and not shared. I’ve never seen the band at the festivals I go to, nor do I want to. Interestingly, Discogs has banned this record from being traded on their website.

So what am I doing with this record? Well, musically I think it is still good. For me this is like a modern Wagner, the 19th century composer that is infamous for his views on jews. I can discuss the views of the artist, but still like the music.

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