My two sisters were always watching Toppop, the Dutch tv show about pop music. As a young kid I was seeing that too, so I got influenced by it a bit. This is a good example. I remember seeing the video clip for Love & Pride, with the band standing in doctor Martins on rocks. Painted rocks.
Years later I found this record at the library sale, but I only really knew the hit single. By now I still only know the hit single.
Didn’t the singer Paul King present a show on MTV?
And I found a new one for the inner sleeve competition! With painted rocks.
Yes, he presented some shows on MTV, and then slid down the drain to do tell sell commercials for music compilation album, which incidentially sometimes featured ‘Love and Pride’. Well, a guy has to make a living somehow.
“Love and Pride’ is a okay song. Is the rest of the album is any good. Did you listen to it recently? Although a songtitle like ‘I kissed the spikey fridge’ does not hold much promise…
I always listen before I post, so yes. I think the rest of the album isn’t much good though. Very much a product of that time.