This record was judged to be very authentic by the person I got it from. This might have been a reaction to the previous record. I think the feeling of authenticity also comes from a generation that really loved anything that came from India. I mean Ravi Shankar… awww.
These tracks are as authentic as they are diverse. It never attracted me that much, but maybe that has to do with the fact I didn’t spend enough time listening to it. I did once go to a live performance of ragas in an Amsterdam museum. Live it is very special.
Different collection of these recordings on Discogs show that they might have been made in 1954. I don’t know if that adds to the authenticity, but it certainly makes them quite old. Deben Bhattacharya collected a lot of these pieces, and was a big name in the genre. Some of his collection were done under auspices of the Unesco. His ethnomusicologist collection is now in the Bibliothèque National de France.