Beethoven – Lieder und andere Vokalwerke

There is too much to write about for this record. This is a big collection (seven records!) of Beethoven vocal works. That is, songs, pieces for choir, a small opera. In itself beautiful pieces. However, for me it stands as proof that older performances are not always better.

One piece however stands out for me. I haven’t found it in other places, and it deserves some attention I think. Beethoven wrote three sets of Folk song arrangements. These were quite popular, and meant that way. Even Beethoven had to make some money.

The recordings on this set are not complete however. I have tried to find them elsewhere, but they’ve not been recorded that often. I have also never seen them perform live, so my guess is they’re kind of forgotten. And that is a pity. They’re little gems, and deserve more attention.

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This is a more modern recording, sung by Ian Bostridge.

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