Yes, the famous ninth choral symphony, and I’m not going to write about it. With the not so famous Walter Goehr with the ‘Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra’ (a name only for this record label), and I’m also not writing about that. Instead I wanted to write about the thing that pass.

No streaming again. The longer I write this blog, the more I realise that this is not always a bad thing. For years it was completely normal and expected for things to disappear after a while. We have come to live with an illusion however: things will last forever.
So many names have passed my eyes since I write this. Some of them I can find on Spotify, some on YouTube, most on wikipedia and then there are those that have completely disappeared. Maybe they can still be found in libraries. They say some national libraries keep a record of all recordings made.
So let’s rid ourselves of the illusion of perfect memory. Just like a real brain, we have to get used to forgetting. Some things are not meant to keep forever.