Alles ist gut

According to English music journalist Paul Morley this is “slimy, steamy sex music“, an evocation of “the rubbing, juices, pounding, striving, belching, stickiness … the smells, the rhythms, the passions, the secretions, the darkness, the tears of S.E.X.“. I just bought it for the hitsingle Der Mussolini.

Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft started in 1978 in Düsseldorf Germany by Robert Görl and Gabi Delgado. They knew each other from the local punk club. The first two albums were made with different musicians added to the duo. They moved to London because that was more or less the centre of the punk movement back then.

This third album is limited to just the duo. I heard Der Mussolini many times when I went out to local clubs, it was quite popular in the more alternative industrial scene. About the same time I must have heard Alle gegen Alle, but in a version by Laibach.

Though the band split in 1982, they got together a number of times, and were of enormous influence on many like minded bands. DJ John Peel called them the grandfathers of techno. They can also be seen as forerunners of later soft pop duo’s like Soft Cell and the Pet Shop Boys.

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