Mokranjac – Hymnos Akathistos zur Allheiligen Gotesgebärerin

This might be one of the most obscure records in my collection, and that is saying something. And yet, Spotify knows the composer. It even has a radio station for him. I have no idea what is on there, since there are only two tracks available from this composer. Yet, it is there.

At the same time, Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac was the Serbian composer number one, and is revered in his home country as one of the 100 greatest ever. He is on the 50 dinar banknote and in his hometown Mokranjac days are celebrated every year since 1965. He has formed the musical basis of the Eastern Orthodoxy in Serbia, and this record bears witness to that. And this Father of Serbian music was unknown to me!

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