Music at he court of Maximilian I

Music in the Habsburg Empire of the early sixteenth century was at a high point. Some historians claim this period might be one of the causes for the dominance of Vienna in European musical history. Emperor Maximilian I had the best musicians and composers under his employ: Heinrich Isaac, Ludwig Senfl and Paul Hofhaimer. Works from them are on this record.

David Munrow is very much at the centre of the historical informed practice in England. I mentioned him earlier in connection to Christopher Hogwood. Munrow went in 1960 to Peru and discovered an interest in wind instruments. Handling them proved to be really easy for him: he had a natural affinity. When he came back, he decided to use it to study early musical instruments.

Seven years later he founded the Early Music Consort with Hogwood. I would like to add more to his live’s story, but in a fit of depression Munrow hung himself in 1976. A tragic loss. The next year parts of his recordings of Anthony Holborne were put on the golden record that was sent into space with the Voyager missions. There can be no doubt that his music will live on.

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