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When Freddie Mercury died in 1991, the record shops were overflowing with Queen albums, everybody was talking about it and the radio was like Mercury’s wet dream: Queen was on every hour. Or so it seemed to me. I’ve always had issues with repetition, so if I hear the same song twice a day, I’m bored, even worse, annoyed. The short story is: it was a rough time.

I vowed never to listen to Queen again, even though I recently discovered them. I liked the later album Miracle, but I didn’t like the best of repetition that was attacking my senses. I wish I heard this record at that time. It is filled of songs nobody knows.

All except the last one: Under pressure. But that song was not originally part of the album. It was released in 1981 as a single in collaboration with David Bowie. Stylistically the pop song doesn’t fit the rest, which is more disco. Parts of it were later used without credit or permission by rapper Vanilla Ice for his Ice ice baby. He lost the lawsuit about it.

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