Kousnetzoff / Moor / Bartók


Emánuel Moór was a Hungarian composer, pianist and inventor. He created a piano that was able, by putting two keyboards above each other at the same level, to play to play a spread of two octaves. You don’t have to have the fingers of Liszt to play some of his more virtuosic pieces if you have a hack like that.

Several thought come up in my mind when I see the picture on the cover of this record. First of all, these people look very different. It is almost as if they don’t belong to each other. The bearded man on the right looks so happy that he’s there, but he stands next to a player that could have been coming from a Christian fanatical sect. Or a Christian Democratic politician. Next to him is the only one that is not laughing. I suppose he is the one that had to pay the photographer. Lastly there is Truus. The name made me realise that nobody calls their daughter Truus anymore. Nowadays the name in Dutch is not very complimentary. What a Truus you are!

For the life of me, I have not found anything about Kousnetzoff, but somehow the piece played sounds familiar to me. Nothing in the liner notes that gives me a hint as to why. Finally there is good old Bartók, but with a composition that was totally new to me. I suppose that might also be caused by the irregular setup: there is not much work for four cellos.

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