l’Univers de Clara Schumann


A record box with work surrounding Clara Schumann, the wife of Robert Schumann. Good intention, sure, but out of all the compositions presented here, only a few are actually composed by the woman herself. The only excuse for that omission I can think of is because the rest is either inspired or based on a melody created by her. 

There should be more I think. Clara might still be hiding in the shadow of her more famous husband, she was a great talent in her own right. Robert might not have liked it, but she was touring Europe, with Robert following. In those years she was better known than Robert. After the early death of her husband she kept the family afloat with the concerts, and at the same time she managed her own career and that of her late husband. 

With all that she meant for his music, chances are that we wouldn’t even have known the short lived composer, if it were not for his wife Clara playing it. 

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