Dvořák – String quartet nr. 6 in F-major Op 96 “American” / Smetana – String quartet nr. 1 in E-major “From my life”


A recording from 2021, so I’m still going to mark this one as no streaming

Seldom has there been a moment I regret more not seeing a recording appear on streaming. This is an absolute superb recording of a very beautiful performance. Somehow the price doesn’t hit the ceiling, it is still available for a mere three euro on Discogs. Boy, is my finger not on the pulse of the music market.

Of all my recordings of chamber music, this one and the Rachmaninov Elegiac are dearest to me. Dvořák’s string quartet in F major (oh, the numbering again: is it 6 or 12?!?) is generally considered one of the best examples of the genre. A product of the composer’s fruitful years in America, when he also wrote his celebrated New world symphony.

And then there is the first string quartet (no ambiguity!!) by Smetana. I wrote earlier about this one, so I’ll leave that for now. It is just such a pity you’re going to need a record player and three euro to find out about it.

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