Urges & angers


Even though it came out around the same time, and is released by a band that bears the same name, this is NOT the band the created the Tom Waits spoof This holiday season about the miseries of Christmas. As it turns out, this is hardcore punk from Greece. With respect to its fanbase, I don’t much care for it. Why is it still in my collection? As a curiosity I guess, and as a reminder that I still would like to find the aforementioned Tom Waits spoof.

So far it is not easy to find that song, though it is on streaming. However it looks like it was only released on collection albums (about Christmas mostly). The song is, to say it nicely, not very friendly about Christmas. And that is the reason I like it. Christmas is nice if you have family that you can share it with. It is a bit of challenge to go through if you don’t, and in my mind that fact has been overlooked by many.

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