I’m pretty sure this show was before I was aware of Paul van Vliet. Like most of his shows, it feels very dated. The disadvantage of being an engaged performer, is that your subject matter loses immediacy over time. Also, this show gives a small insight in the world of its time. When Christian religion in education had a more important role than now (Spreekbeurt van Thomas Bakker), when the country and the world was a lot smaller than it is now (Benny) and when Van Vliet had a more pronounced accent than in later times.
In later years Van Vliet was Goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, and many people will know him better because of his little spots on TV getting attention for the plight of children all over the world. He died in April 2023 in his favorite city of The Hague, where he was born. He did not get up to get his coat saying: Geef mij me jas eens aan, ik heb nog veel te doen.