Verdi – Giovanna d’Arco


The nineteenth century was full of operatic versions of the heroic story of Jeanne d’Arc. In various ways the story was told, and Verdi was jumping on this bandwagon. In 1845 his seventh opera was presented, on a libretto by Temistocle Solera. He was requested by publisher Ricordi to do so without taking any risk of copyright violations. The resulting story is more like a cheap Hollywood popcorn flick than anything else.

Solera made Giovanna into a lovesick puppy looking for her King. It was the future King Charles that inspired her to claim she was hearing voices, and to listen to them. Her father believes her to be under the influence of the devil and he denounces her to the villagers of Reims. In the next scene she is captured by the English soldiers. The suggested causality is historically incorrect, but Verdi and Solera go with it.

From a musical perspective there are good things about this opera. If you like Verdi, which I do. Not his best, for sure, but a nice experience. I read on the wiki page this is the only studio recording. For an opera that is not widely known this is to be expected.

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