Schumann – Bunte Blätterätter-Op99-Aus-6-Klavierstücke-Op118/release/6981750

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This is sounding better than I expected. I’m not that much into Schumann, and I remember that I didn’t understand this record that well. It is one of the few romantic works that I had at that time, I was more into baroque and classics.

Schumann wrote the parts of this between 1839 and 1849. He published them under one title, but in reality it was more like a collection of unpublished works that were lying around. Ten years is quite a while, since Robert Schumann died when he was 46. I suppose this is a short version of his life in piano form.

The record itself could use some cleaning I hear. I do have a cleaning machine for that, maybe I should crank it up. There are some specks on this record, and with this sound it is distracting.

No, there is no difference. Well, there is, but the specks are not gone. I probably have been listening to this record with faulty equipment, and will keep paying the consequences.

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