Marin Marais – Blockflöten-Suiten vol 2

Part two of the work by the Hotteterre quartet, with another two suites. Jacques Hotteterre was a woodwind specialist from Paris at the same time as Marin Marais, in the seventeenth century. In his writings he has studied the flute, but he also played bassoon and the oboe.

This is a Dutch quartet, with Dutch roots. The two flutists of this quartet studied under Frans Brüggen, the harpsichord player under Gustav Leonhardt.

The cello piccolo played here is a five stringed cello of smaller size. It is played vertically, hung from the shoulders by a strap. Yes, just like a guitar, but with a bow. It is also called violoncello da spalla. Nowadays it is assumed that Bach meant his sixth cello suite to be played on that instrument.

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