Lalo / Saint-Saëns – Cello concertos


Two famous cello concertos, presented here by Yo-Yo Ma. Time to get into the most famous cello player in the world. Yo-Yo Ma was born in Paris in 1955, but his Chinese parents moved to America very soon. Both parents were active in music, so they fostered this interest in their son at a very early age. Already at three little Yo-Yo was able to choose his instrument: he wanted the big one.

At five he performed for audiences, at seven he performed for presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy and when he was eight he was presented on TV by Leonard Bernstein. Its not always going well with these child prodigies, but here it all went great. Boy wonder keeps collecting success after success. This recording was made when he was just 25.

In later years, Yo-Yo Ma also picked up an interest in what has been called crossover music, the music that is not really classical, but mixes it with other styles. With his Silk Road Ensemble Ma is quite successful. He is also appearing in film and tv, to my surprise including a personal appearance in one of my favourites The West Wing.

Honestly, I think the crossover work is a bit disappointing, but in classical performances Yo-Yo Ma keeps excelling. His tone is getting warmer and more subtle the more he ages. So it is in this recording. A five out of five.

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