Edith Piaf


Edith Piaf must be the singer with the most best of compilations. It looks like this is one of those, with a very uncreative title. So I was surprised that when listening, it turned out this record holds some not well known jewels. This record proved worth listening to, but is quite impossible to find with a title like that.

I’m pretty sure I bought this in reaction to a recent viewing of the biopic about the French chansonniere. It was part of the Parool Oscarweekend, a weekend organized by local newspaper Parool featuring 25 films that are nominated for the Academy Award that year.

I found La vie en rose (original title: La môme, but this is the title that I saw) a touching movie, and since I’m a sucker for sentimental movies I admit I cried a bit watching it. It won two Oscars that year.

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