Radu Lupu plays Beethoven piano concerto no. 3


The image is for symphony number 5 on this album

Radu Lupu was a Romanian pianist, one of the greatest in the century. He was specialised in the big classics, the likes of Beethoven, Brahms, Grieg, Mozart, Schubert and Schumann. Here he is, aged 24, playing his first concert recording for Decca. And what a recording!

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the man play on one occasion, in the Concertgebouw. A memorable performance, especially now that I know he died in 2022. Radu Lupu is well known for his reclusiveness. He didn’t want to talk to any reporters, for fear of being misquoted or badly presented. Descriptions of his personal life are all but missing on his wikipedia entry.

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