I’m pretty sure I discovered Eva Cassidy on the radio. I never listen, so that in itself is a miracle. I just love her voice from the first time I heard it. It is strong and fragile at the same time. She seems to wear her emotions outside. Imagine doing that while singing in a studio, surrounded by screaming record executives that all have their own opinion about what you need to do. I can only admire her for fearlessly putting her heart into everything she sings.
Of the ten solo albums in the catalogue, nine were released posthumously. Cassidy performed in many bands, but didn’t get much recognition. She was also notoriously shy before an audience, and her refusal to limit herself to one specific genre might have hindered further successes. In 1993 she was diagnosed with cancer, caused by a malignant mole on her back. She died in 1996, aged 33.
This is a compilation album. Every time I listen to it I want to hear more. Somehow this never found it’s way to my mind when I’m in a shop buying records.
Aangezien jij dit niet weet
Het eerste nummer is een cover van Sting.
Hehe, ik weiger die naam op m’n site te zetten. Maar ja, het was mij bekend. Deze versie is mooier natuurlijk.