20 Great Blues Recordings of the 50’s and 60’s – Volume 2


A collection of 20 Delta blues songs, coming from the revival in later times. Many of these originated in the Twenties and Thirties, but were re-recorded for commercial reasons. Delta blues is the term for music originating from a area between the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers, in three states: Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. So this is not the Mississippi river delta, which is where the river meets the Gulf of Mexico.

The Delta is often seen as the most southern place in the US. It is characteristic of the whole region. Before and during the Civil War the biggest production of cotton was taking place here, using slave labour. The whole area suffers from regular flooding, one of which has been made famous by the Coen Brothers movie O brother where art thou. Because of this the land is exceptionally fertile.

This is also the area that gave birth to both blues and rock and roll. Some of the roots of the blues can be found in the Delta blues.

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