

David Bowies first compilation album, covering the early Seventies and his “Space period”. It came out in 1976, though my version is a reissue from 1983. During that time there was a disagreement between Bowie and record company RCA, so shortly after the release, it was withdrawn.

I couldn’t find what the disagreement was about, but it might have to do with his extreme behaviour at the time. A mix of cocaine and his own belief in his created personae (the thin white duke at the time) led him to extreme opinions and actions. A published picture shows him in a Mercedes convertible, waving a nazi salute to his fans. He was also saying he got that from drugs and his persona, and the city of Los Angeles, a city that “should be wiped off the face of the earth“.

This chaos and extremity is part of David Bowie for all of his career. He went from utter failure to enormous success in one year, and then hit rock bottom again. Maybe it is a consequence of the kind of music he made.

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