Dansen moet je doen


Did I tell you there were some shameful items to be found in my collection? I have decided not to be ashamed anymore, but just to come clean. I can just say it, in 1987 I was a happy dancer. The title of this record translate as “Dancing you should do”. It was kind of a promotional record for the federation of dancing schools, and it featured easy to dance to songs, with clear rhythm, for practicing at home. So, yes, I was dancing alone on this record.

The record is a double album, so it holds two records in a gatefold cover. Big pictures and a short motivational piece on the inside. This might have been the first record that I bought myself. For a small amount: around 3 euro.

I see Ed Starink here again btw… I never noticed that. Just like his “Synsation“, it has the “TV LP” marking on top. I don’t remember this being on TV though, but it meant that there was a big commercial campaign on TV around this. Of course I bought it in 1987, and the commercial campaign was probably in 1984, the date on the recording.

I never realised it until now, but dancing schools in those days were big. Do they still exist nowadays?

Listening to this record makes my ears hurt. This music is not for the faint of heart! Have courage Arjan!

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