The shocking miss Emerald


2010 was the year of Caro Emerald. 2014 was the year of her demise. Or rather the proof of that. It is really sad how fast it went. I bought this record as soon as it came out, but I was already too late. And then you might think, ah, that is what happens sometimes. Second time around, better luck next time. But most of the music on this album is not written by Caroline Emerald de Leeuw (Caro’s real name). It is written by a collective of experienced music producers. The first album went multiple platinum worldwide. What went wrong with this one?

Having said that, there are some nice jewels here as well. Tangled up and Liquid lunch are the best sellers, but I also like Coming back as a man. These songs share the old-time jazzy vibe of the first album. But by this time there were many other acts that did the retro. In 2017 she released an EP, but after that miss Emerald failed to shock. In 2022 it turned out she was singing in another band, and made it known she was putting a stop to the project. Caro Emerald is no more.

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